An Angel in white (purity) with a pair of red (passion, truth) winds transfuses water from one chalice to another. It moves from left to right, as the left-hand position is higher than the right one. It symbolizes the alchemy of life and the transformation from one state to another. Its left foot is on the rocks and the right one in the water of the stream in front of it. On its white robe on the chest lies a triangle (the symbol of Fire) with reference to the powers of opposites. The triangle is placed in a square or bound to Earth by its natural laws. On its forehead, there is the astrological symbol for the Sun.
In the background there are hills and green pastures, symbolizing our journey through life. Above the hills, there is a glowing golden crown, as a reminder that one should always follow the higher path and to staying true to oneself purpose in life; not to lose sight of what is important and what is the right direction.
The posture is calm, focused on the water I the cups. The Angel is in meditation like the time has stopped and like there is nothing more important in the world than this act in this exact moment.
The yellow irises next to the figure represent wisdom and knowledge.
Temperance is the reminder for us to always look for balance in life, movement and to stay on track of what is truly our direction and purpose.
The story of Temperance: the alchemical process of transformation of our soul