The Devil is nothing else but the reversed image of the Lovers.
The Lover’s card is N 6, the Devil N 15: 1+5 = 6.
The Devil is the Shadow of the Lovers, both numerically and literally. It seems that all we need is there, but it is not as it comes from the material place only. It feeds the flesh, starves the soul. It seems to come from love, but comes from fear and jealousy, it seems that comes from God, but comes from its shadow; it seems that comes to fulfil our thirst, but makes us unsatisfied even more.
The Devil has the pentagram above his head; The Pentagram instead of the Star of David. It is missing one very important element- the top point. The Pentagram, also known as pent-alpha, has five points referring to the human body, the senses etc. The pentagram is upside down and in the place where should be the fixed point, there is none. The Star of David is the ancient hermetic symbol repressing,, as above, so below, as within so without,, or the deep connection between the creator and its creation. The Star is the combination of the symbols of water and fire. On the contrary, we have the Pentacle with its head pointing down. All coming if we follow the Devils path is here to distract us from our purpose, mission and from our soul journey.
We see two people with tails (symbol of the reptilian brain and our more primitive nature: insists, ego etc.) who are chained towards the chair of the devil. Literally, in life, the more addictions we have, the more chained we are towards the needs of the flesh and more detached from the spiritual world.
The Devils wings are there as a reminder that the power to fly is present, but the slaves of the material are bound and stuck there until something changes.
The story of The Devil: not love, distraction, illusion